Κυκλοφόρησε το Puppy Linux 3
Τεχνολογία » Software » Λειτουργικά Συστήματα » Linux - 02/10/2007Κυκλοφόρησε η νέα έκδοση του Puppy Linux, μιας διανομής για low end μηχανήματα, η οποία είναι σχεδιασμένη για να τρέχει από usb sticks και έχει μέγεθος μικρότερο από 100 Megabyte.
![Κυκλοφόρησε το Puppy Linux 3](http://news.pramnos.net/images/news58/1191352499450501536_cce1e6be80.jpg)
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Release notes (summary):
- All base packages upgraded, including glibc v2.5, gcc v4.1.2, GTK v2.10.13.
- Application upgrades (incomplete list): pptp v1.7.1, Isomaster v1.1, KP2 v0.2 (gray), Pbdict (zigbert), pure-ftpd (getnikar), trashcan (disciple), Pbackup v3.0.0 (zigbert), Network Wizard (Dougal, tempestuous, BarryK), JWM v2.0.1, Xvesa Wizard (gray, BarryK), Burniso2cd (BarryK), Busybox v1.6.1, TkDVD v4.0.6, various small utilities (gray), Pidgin v2.0.2, SeaMonkey v1.1.2, Xorg v7.2, Unionfs v2.1.2, Pfind v2.4 (zigbert), PDF-printer v0.8 (jcoder24), WakePup2 (john doe, dgi), v1.6.9pre7, NoteCaseHomeBank v3.5, Universal Installer (BarryK), Pmirror v0.2 (zigbert), PRename v0.6 (plinej), partview (PaulBx1).
- Massive improvements achieved with new boot and shutdown scripts, including pup_save file custom naming, frugal install into a subdirectory, correct recognition of multiple pup_save files at bootup, pup_save file resizing.
- New kernel:, configured with 'tickless' option. Initrd.gz is now a cpio archive.
- NetSurf web browser v1.1 as our internal HTML viewer.
- True flushing for Flash drives (andrei, BarryK). Finally.
- Also a great number of bugfixes.
Tags: Linux, puppy linux, open source, GNU, low end, usb stick. Προσθήκη άρθρου σε: Freestuff | Del.icio.us | | | | ForaCamp (top) |